TCS NQT 2024 Coding Section Made Easy (Most Asked Questions)

TCS NQT Coding Sheet 11

TCS (Tata Consulting Services) conducts the National Qualification Test (NQT) as part of the recruitment process. The NQT consists of several parts, including a coding section that assesses the candidate’s practical skills.
Coding generally assesses a candidate’s good writing ability to legally solve specific problems in real time. Preparation for this section is essential to increase your chances of success in TCS NQT.

TCS NQT 2024: Importance of Coding Section

The coding section in the TCS NQT (National Qualification Test) or any other recruitment test is essential for: challenge operational and problem-solving skills. It allows employers to evaluate a candidate’s ability to translate their theoretical knowledge into coding solutions.

  1. Essential Work: Coding is important work for IT and software development roles. The coding section helps determine if the candidate has the necessary skills to perform the role in the study.
  2. Differentiate: The coding section helps differentiate candidates based on their coding experience.
    It enables recruiters to find successful candidates who can solve coding problems well.
  3. Problem Solving: Coding The test presents candidates with real-world problems that require thinking and problem solving. These skills are essential for success in many careers.
  4. Time Management: The coding section is mostly time dependent and tests the candidate’s ability to manage time while coding. Time management is key to working on real-world projects and meeting deadlines.
  5. Adaptability and Learning Ability: Candidates will encounter unusual language problems in the coding department. During the test, their ability to adapt, understand new concepts, and learn to code quickly is measured.
  6. Aptitude: Coding Challenge helps assess the candidate’s ability and understanding of programming languages, data structures, and algorithms.
  7. Job Performance: Results from the Coding section can show how the candidate will perform on actual coding tasks while on the job. It helps to identify the resources of the organization.
  8. Filtering mechanism: The coding part acts as a filter that scans candidates for the next round of recruitment. Candidates who perform well in this segment are usually successful in recruiting.
  9. Fair Evaluation: Coded evaluation provides an impartial and standardized process for evaluating candidates, ensuring fair and equitable selection.

In summary, the coding section of the TCS NQT is important as it helps assess the candidate’s skills, problem solving, and suitability for the job role. Candidates need to be well prepared for this section so that they can gain more qualifications and find a job in the field they want.

TCS NQT 2024: Important Topics


Numbers & Number System



Searching Algorithms


Linked List

Also Read – eLitmus How to prepare

TCS NQT 2024:Important Questions


Check if a given year is leap year
Prime Numbers
Number is Positive, Negative, Odd, Even, Zero
All divisors of a natural number
Convert a Number to Hexadecimal
Valid Perfect Square
Program to add two fractions
Fibonacci numbers
Add Digits
Replace all ‘0’ with ‘5’ in an input Integer
Perfect Number
Armstrong Numbers
Replace all ‘0’ with ‘5’ in an input Integer
Sum of first n natural numbers
Permutations to arrange N persons around a circular table
Roots of Quadratic equation
Climbing Stairs
Maximum Product of Three Numbers
Happy Number


Two Sum
Program to check if an array is sorted or not
Sum of elements in a given array
Pascal’s Triangle
Counting frequencies of array elements
Move Zeroes
Add an element to an Array
Contains Duplicate
Find duplicates in O(n) time and O(1) extra space
Print array after it is right rotated K times
Single Number
Mean and median of an unsorted array
Smallest and second smallest elements in an array
Third Maximum Number
Sort elements by frequency
Majority Element
Next Greater Element I
Intersection of Two Arrays
Find Peak Element
Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence


Given String is Palindrome or not
Find Common Characters
Remove character
Reverse a string
Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String
Uncommon Words from Two Sentences
Excel Sheet Column Number
Frequency of characters in a string
Sort string of characters
Valid Anagram
Convert characters of a string to opposite case
Count Binary Substrings
Common subsequence in two strings
Count Unique Characters of All Substrings of a Given String
Find the Difference
Duplicates in the input string
Count vowels, consonants, digits, and special characters in a string
Detect Capital
Fizz Buzz
Check if a string is substring of another


Bubble Sort
Selection Sort
Insertion Sort
Merge Sort
Quick Sort

Number System

Convert Octal to decimal
Convert Binary to Decimal
Decimal to Binary conversion
Convert decimal to octal
Convert decimal to octal


Linear Search
Binary Search
Detect loop in a linked list
Print the middle of a given linked list
Can we reverse a linked list in less than O(n)?
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