SGBAU OOPs(Java) Question Bank

SGBAU OOPs(Java) Question Bank

Unit I

  1. Enlist & explain important characteristics of OOP.
  2. Explain salient attributes of Java programming.
  3. WAP in Java to exchange the values of two variables without using
    03 variable.
  4. What is type conversion & casting? Explain using suitable
  5. Give the difference between procedure language and OOP.
  6. What are various operator in Java? Explain each with suitable
  7. What are keywords? Enlist & explain various keywords in Java.
  8. WAP to obtain maximum of 03 variables in Java
  9. WAP in java to obtain the sum of all even numbers (1 to 50)using
    for loop.
  10. Implement a java program to display last digit of a given number.

Unit II

  1. What is constructor? Explain default constructor using suitable example.
  2. WAP in Java to create a method called ‘max( )’ to obtain maximum of
  3. numbers, use class object to call it & display the output.
  4. Give the difference between class variables & local variables.
  5. Write a java program to instantiate & initialize the object.
  6. Explain the significance of ‘this’ keyword in java.
  7. What is garbage collection? How it is performed in java?

Unit III

  1. What is Inheritance? Explain its various types.
  2. Define package using suitable example?
  3. WAP in Java to demonstrate multi-level inheritance.
  4. What is method overriding? Explain using suitable example
  5. What are Super & Final keywords? Explain their significance.
  6. Give the difference between abstract class & Interface?

Unit IV

  1. Explain following terms with suitable syntax & examples?
    1) Exception 2) Try 3) Catch 4) Throw 5) Throws 6) Finally
  2. Implement file write operation using FileWriter class object to write into
    a file named “Data.txt”.
  3. WAP in Java to demonstrate Arithmetic Exception Handling using trythrow- catch block.
  4. What are user defined Exceptions? Explain using suitable example.
  5. Write a java program which can Read into a file? Use scanner class object
    to achieve the same

Unit V

  1. Explain the significance of Applet tag with its various parameters.
  2. Give the difference between paint() & repaint() methods.
  3. Give the difference between application program & applet.
  4. Give the difference between getDocumentBase() & getCodeBase()
  5. Explain the applet life cycle using suitable diagram.
  6. Explain the Color & Font class methods in applet using suitable

Unit VI

  1. Explain the Event Delegation Model. What are the various steps
    suggested by it for event handling?
  2. What are various Key Events? Implement the KeyListener to handle
    the same?
  3. Enlist & Explain all the Mouse Events which are handled by
    MouseListener & MouseMotionListener?
  4. Give the significance of adapter class in Event Handling?
  5. Write a java applet program to create Button & handle all the related
    events of it?
  6. Write a java applet program to create a file menu having options as
    new, save,open, print, close.

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