What is Full Stack?
Full stack Development is a type of software development that involves working on both the backend (server) and the frontend (client). Full stack development is a comprehensive approach to software development that requires proficiency in both backend and frontend technologies, allowing developers to build robust and feature-rich web applications.
How you can become Full stack developer?
There are various ways to become a fullstack developer. There are many technologies that you can work with to become a fullstack developer. In this I will talk about a path that involves starting with HTML, CSS, JS and then learning the MERN stack.
What is MERN?
React – Used to build the frontend
Nodejs and Express – Used to build the backend
MongoDB – Used as the database.

All these technologies are built on JavaScript.
MERN stack has become very popular as it is very easy and fastto build applications using the MERN stack.
DAY 1-20
– Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript:
HTML, CSS and JavaScript are backbone of all websites.

- Start with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Do not directly jump to learning React or other frameworks/libraries.
- CSS is difficult but is something that you should learn well. Do not directly jump to using Tailwind or Bootstrap.
- Do not wait to complete JS before starting to build projects. JS is huge and takes time to learn.
- Most companies have UI Machine Coding Round for frontend development roles where you cannot use any framework/library.
DAY 21-30
– Learn React
React is a JavaScript library created by Facebook, it is one of the most used frontend libraries in tech companies. Almost all the modern tech companies from early-stage startups to the biggest tech companies like Microsoft and Facebook use React.

Concepts to master in React are:
- Class and function based components
- State and props
- Lifecycle hooks
- Fetching data from APIs
- Controlled & Uncontrolled Components
- Routing in React
- Context API & React hooks
DAY 30-37
– Learn Node.js and Express
Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.
Most big companies use Java or Java-like languages for the backend. Most startups use Python or Node+Express for the backend.
Express helps build the backend very easily while staying in JavaScript ecosystem. It is preferred for self-projects as it helps focus on learning development and building projects pretty fast.
DAY 37-42
– Learn MongoDB
MongoDB is a non-relational document database that provides support for JSON-like storage. The MongoDB database has a flexible data model that enables you to store unstructured data, and it provides full indexing support, and replication with rich and intuitive APIs.
MongoDB has become popular with developers in part
due to the its intuitive API, flexible data model
Free resources for learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript
MdnWeb Docs: HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN (
Programming with Mosh: Link
MdnWeb Docs –
Dev Docs –
Namastey Javascript – Akshay saini
Free resources for learning Mongo, Express, React & Node
Node & Express:
Node Docs :
Node DevDocs :
Express Docs :
Express Guide :
Youtube – FreecodeCamp
React Docs :
W3School :
React Tutorial :
Youtube – Codevolution
Youtube – Academind
MongoDB Docs:
mongoose Docs:
Other Essentials required:
Git and Github:
Github Docs :
Youtube – Apna College
DAY 42-50
Free Complete MERN stack Series
For Building MERN Projects You can follow:
Complete MERN :
Complete MERN :
Complete MERN :
Also Recommended to Read: Free Courses and Certificates: Top 7 Websites
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