OOPs Interview Questions

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Que 1. What is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)?

OOPs refers to Object-Oriented Programming. It is the programming paradigm that is defined using objects. Objects can be considered as real-world instances of entities like class, that have some characteristics and behaviors.
Example: Think of a car manufacturing plant where cars (objects) are created based on a blueprint or design (class).

Que 2. What is the need for OOPs?

There are many reasons why OOPs is mostly preferred, but the most important among them are: 

  1. OOPs helps users to understand the software easily, although they don’t know the actual implementation.
  2. With OOPs, the readability, understandability, and maintainability of the code increase multifold.
  3. Even very big software can be easily written and managed easily using OOPs.

Que 3. Name any seven widely used OOP languages.

The programming languages that use and follow the Object-Oriented Programming paradigm or OOPs, are known as Object-Oriented Programming languages. Some of the major Object-Oriented Programming languages include:

  • Python
  • Java
  • Go
  • Dart
  • C++
  • C#
  • Ruby

Que 4. What are the four main features of OOPs?

The OOP has the following four features:

  • Inheritance
  • Encapsulation
  • Polymorphism
  • Data Abstraction

Que 5. What is meant by Structured Programming?

Structured Programming refers to the method of programming which consists of a completely structured control flow. Here structure refers to a block, which contains a set of rules, and has a definitive control flow, such as (if/then/else), (while and for), block structures, and subroutines.

Nearly all programming paradigms include Structured programming, including the OOPs model.

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Que 6. What are some advantages of using OOPs?

  • It follows a bottom-up approach.
  • It models the real word well.
  • It allows us the reusability of code.
  • Avoids unnecessary data exposure to the user by using the abstraction.
  • OOP forces the designers to have a long and extensive design phase that results in better design and fewer flaws.
  • Decompose a complex problem into smaller chunks.
  • Programmer are able to reach their goals faster.
  • Minimizes the complexity.
  • Easy redesign and extension of code that does not affect the other functionality.

Que 7. What is a class?

A class can be understood as a template or a blueprint, which contains some values, known as member data or member, and some set of rules, known as behaviors or functions. It does not consume memory at run time. It is a logical entity. when an object is created, it automatically takes the data and functions that are defined in the class.
For example, first, a car’s template is created. Then multiple units of car are created based on that template.

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